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The Center exists to advance the scientific understanding of extraordinary fields and forces, and to consult on ways to enhance professional and personal performance in diverse arenas.


The science of the non-obvious, and the keys to graciousness, daring, and ease under unbearable pressure of the truly new.

A nonordinary approach to living and loving that can help make you both gracious and great.

You are a process nature won't complete.  You will.

-Learn to see the non-obvious-

The fusing of science, art, and creativity at the outer boundary of human perception and ability. 


A nonordinary approach to living and loving that can help make you both gracious and great.

"There is no such thing as an ordinary person, and no human being has fully seen or appreciated another. We are too vast. We humans are intricate, lovely, and mysterious. We are indigenous to magnificent non-ordinary realms we seldom see but in which we are as powerful and mobile as elephants on an African plain."  Paul Richards




Intelligent and Practical Gateways


Extraordinary Experience

Engaging Subtle Fields and Forces that Underlie Great Motion, Great People,  and Great Things.

Paul and Patricia Richards are educated professionals who enjoyed successful careers in aerospace, martial arts, and medicine prior to forming the Senté Center. Their work is among the most groundbreaking, powerful, practical approaches to energy, attention, and extraordinary relationship available anywhere.


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