Through the Eyes of a Seer
Re-awakening Personal Power in a World of Lost Vision
A Three Part Audio Course Total Time: 12 hours, 1 Minute
MP3 files and a 72 page Course Guidebook.
After taking this course, you will have a powerful framework for understanding energy, an understanding that is a working model, not a belief. You will possess an active, fluid, and accurate sense of energy, and will have the skills needed to exhibit these seven characteristics:
1. You know how to claim, own, occupy, and maintain your energy field, and can do this with the same confidence with which you take care of your physical body. You can do this walking nervously into a court of law or into the middle of a tense negotiation with an angry neighbor. You can also do it with grace and style in the presence of those you most love.
2. You are awake to the basic needs of the Energy Body. You know how to gather Energy, to remove negative content, and to opt out of entanglements with other people. You also are skilled in communicating through both the physical and Energetic bodies, and at sending nourishing messages to others simultaneously in Energy and words.
3. You understand basic techniques that help you to be energetically present in a moment, to be changed by that moment, and to change the moment because you are there in it. You possess specific techniques of voice and disclosure, walking and action, planning, choice, and attention that help you contribute more to your world.
4. You know how to center yourself and how to Energetically Stay Home when you are under pressure. You can act to prevent the crucial elements that comprise your Energetic center from leaving your physical center. You can cope with modern sensory overload, giving you the ability to see the touchstone of a problem or an opportunity. You can focus on a center and ignore extraneous but demanding details, if necessary, and thus direct Energy and attention in ways that bring changes to whole systems.
5. You have a good working knowledge of the Simple Rules of Intent, which is the force for real change in the universe. You also have a list of Intent questions to ask yourself internally. They allow you to supercharge your actions and tap into extraordinary support for your life.
6. Lastly, you know how to keep your feet firmly on planet Earth; you are someone who is Energetically literate and not lost in a world of fantasy about the non-ordinary.
Lecture/Lab One:
Profound Motion An Introduction and Overview of Seeing and Energetic Empowerment
What is the single most important thing a Seer might wish to say to you at the beginning of this inquiry?
How does Energy affect you in your life, and what can you do maximize the positive possibilities?
What is the single element most lacking in human behavior, in terms of Personal Energetic Empowerment?
How do you reply to the hidden message of the moment?
How do you learn to act with profound motion?
Why is this lecture subtitled: One Motion, Three Bodies Three Realms?
How do you become an even more extraordinary person?
What do you look like in the realm of Energy?
How do you establish for yourself that you have an Energy Body?
Why does rudeness make good Seers of us all?
What is the problem of our times and how is Energetic Empowerment relevant?
What is the real nature of power?
Safety and Character
Why isn’t everyone a Seer?
Exercise #1:Getting in Touch with your Energy Body
New York Subway- A Baseline for Getting Along in Crowded Places
The Glass Partition- Separating Yourself in from Others in Healthy Ways
The Hands in the Chair- Handling Intrusions into Your Field
The Friends on a Sofa- Healthy Blending of Energy with Others
Exercise #2 : Staying Centered and Energetically Healthy while in Motion
Exercise #3: Staying Centered and Energetically Empowered under Duress
How to Stay Centered in Conversation with Others
Ways in Which Centering is Lost in Daily Life
Saying No as Easily as you can say Yes
The Power of Questions to Move Your Center
Working with Centering in Difficult Circumstances
The Importance of Alliances and Not Being Alone, and the Role of Grounding and the Earth in Centering and Empowerment
Lecture/Lab Two:
Relaxation as the Key to Energetic Empowerment
Three Stances for Exchanging Energy
Expressing Love and Giving or Taking Energy
The Five Energy Messages needed for psychological health (a recording of a live class from New Zealand)
Crossing the Realms: trying to solve physical or psychological problems in the realm of Energy (how to avoid this)
Principles of Energetic Sparring (shielding, deflecting, circularity)
Reading the Hidden Message of the Moment
What is Energetic Health?
How do we gather Energy?
The 3 Needs of the Energy Body
What is Intent?
Behind the Scenes- The Boy and the Elephant: How attention and Intent really work
How do you see negatives and still stay relaxed?
Avoiding dangerous empathy: Perceiving with the Energy Field Edge instead of internalizing the thoughts and feelings of others
Getting rid of Content: Energetic records of experience and emotion
Pink Elephants and Reality Tests; How to stay realistic and grounded while learning to perceive Energy
Infinite Moment- the Physical Practice of Sente
Learning to understand the four Energetic Senses: Linear Connection, Awareness Mote, Radiance, and Empathy
Hard/Soft Hits: Putting it all Together as you learn to See
The Telephone Exercise, avoiding unwanted Energetic entanglements and attacks
Separation and Allness: Using Energy to Wrongly Mimic Spiritual Insight
The Secret of Real Change
Putting Aside Self Interest-how to identify and work with Agents of Change
What is healthy interdependence and joining? Why is it important?
Fundamentalism: Dealing with Unshared Vision and Visionaries in the World
A Helicopter Tour of Isolation, Foibles, and the One Process that is Always Going On
Short Exercise Featurette: Anchoring and Grounding
Two Paths to Empowerment
Starting from Isolation or unhealthy Over-Connection
Learning to Move from Relaxation instead of Tension
Overlapping, Merging, Telepathy
Broadening the Definition of Telepathy
The Ethics of Energetic Empowerment
The Three Seers’ Conference Call: An Original Piece of Work
Lab/Lecture Three:
Centering as the Fundamental Empowerment Tool
Exercise #4: Rapidly Picking the Center in a Complex Scenario
Exercise #5: The Empowerment Walks
Lecture Three; Michelangelo, The Power of Attention, “Too Much-ness”, and Center
The Reshaping of Your Attention is the Point
Learning to See Attention as Finite and Valuable
The Gift of Attention and Passing it on
Attention Traps: Seeing Beyond Story and Shape to Essence
Spiritual Discernment, Centering, and Beauty
Seeing the Whole Night Sky- Perceiving Space, not just Objects within it
Draining Shock
Energetic Center: Finding the Heart of the Moment
Beauty, Frumpiness, and Basking
The Geography of the Course and the Denial of Beauty

"Promise on the scale of your entire life."
Paul Richards